21 – 22 May 2015 – Istanbul – Turkey
Hasan Doğan National Teams Camp and Education Facilities
Riva / aBeykoz / Istanbul – Turkey
A think tank specialised in Football Law
AIAF (International Association for Football Lawyers) gathers lawyers from all countries whose point of mutual interest is their professional practice in the field of football and who want to create and develop a professional network in order to exchange views and reflect on football law.
AIAF intends to be a main referent for public and private authorities that regulate football and to actively take part in the development of international and national football regulations.
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3rd AIAF Congress – Istanbul 2015
Day 01
> 21 May 2015
> The impact of the new FIFA regulations regarding Players’ agents
Guest speakers
Servet Yardimci, Vice Chairman of the Turkish Football Federation
Roy Vermeer, Legal Counsel at FIFA
Fabrice Rizzo, Professor of Law at Aix-Marseille University, Marseille Law Sport Center
10:00 - 10:15
Welcome address and Opening address by the AIAF President
Servet Yardimci, Vice Chairman of the Turkish Football Federation
Patricia Moyersoen, AIAF President, Lawyer, Member of the Paris Bar
10:15 - 10:30
Presentation of the new FIFA regulations on working with intermediaries
Roy Vermeer, Legal Counsel at FIFA
10:30 - 11:00
Round-table 1

How will the new FIFA regulations on working with intermediaries be enacted in countries which have specific legislation?
Moderator: Emin Ozkurt, Lawyer, Member of the Istanbul Bar
Nicolas Bone, Lawyer, Member of the Paris Bar
Joao Nogueira Da Rocha, Lawyer, Member of the Lisbon Bar
Georgi Gradev, Sport Counsel, GRADEV SPORTS EOOD, Sofia
11:00 - 11:30
Round-table 2

How will these new regulations be enacted in other countries?
Moderator: Filipe Orsolini Pinto De Souza, Lawyer, Member of the San Paolo Bar
Mr. Hazer Akil, Lawyer, Member of Istanbul Bar, legal counsel of Turkish Football Federation
Stephen Sampson, Lawyer, Member of the London Bar
Juan de Dios Crespo, Lawyer, Member of the Valencia Bar
Marcelo Amoretty, Lawyer, Member of the Porto Alegre Bar
Saleh Alobeidli, Lawyer, Member of the Dubai Bar
Marketa Haindlova, Lawyer, Member of the Prague Bar
11:30 - 12:30
Round-table 3

Are the new FIFA regulations on working with intermediaries compatible with EU legislation?
Moderator: Christian Chevalier, Lawyer, Member of the Paris Bar
Roberto Branco Martins, CEO of the European Agents Football Association
Fabrice Rizzo, Professor of Law at Aix-Marseille University, Marseille Law Sport Center
12:30 - 13:00
Interactive Workshop
13:00 - 14:30
> The impact of the new FIFA regulations regarding TPO
Guest speakers
Javier Berasategi, Lawyer, Member of the Madrid Bar
David Dein, former vice-chairman of Arsenal Football Club and former vice-chairman of the Football Association
Jean-Michel Marmayou, Lecturer at Law at Aix-Marseille University, Co-director of the Marseille Law Sport Center
Mark Goddard, General Manager of FIFA TMS
14:30 - 15:00
Emergence of a new concept:
Third Party Investment (TPI)
What is the difference between TPO and TPI?
David Dein, former vice-chairman of Arsenal Football Club and former vice-chairman of the Football Association
Marcos Motta, Lawyer, Member of the Rio de Janeiro Bar
15:00 - 16:00

Round-table 1

What impact TPO ban will have on existing agreements?
Moderator: Ricardo De Buen Rodriguez, Lawyer, Member of the Mexico Bar
Mark Goddard, General Manager of FIFA TMS
Daniel Cravo, Lawyer, Member of the Porto Alegre Bar
Horacio Gonzalez Mullin, Lawyer, Member of the Montevideo Bar
Joao Nogueira Da Rocha, Lawyer, Member of the Lisbon Bar
16:00- 17:00

Round-table 2

To what extent is TPO ban compatible with EU legislation?
Moderator: Patricia Moyersoen, Lawyer, Member of the Paris Bar
Speakers :
Grégory Ernes, Lawyer, Member of the Brussels Bar
Jean-Michel Marmayou, Lecturer at Law at Aix-Marseille University, Co-director of the Marseille
Javier Berasategi, Lawyer, Member of the Madrid Bar
Mario Gallavotti, Lawyer, Member of the Rome Bar
Interactive Workshop
Day 02
> 22 May 2015
> The implementation of the UEFA Financial Fair Play (FFP)
Guest speakers
Julien Zylberstein, Legal counsel at UEFA
Jean-Michel Marmayou, Lecturer at Law at Aix-Marseille University, Co-director of the Marseille Law Sport Center
10:00 - 10:30
Presentation of the UEFA FFP
Julien Zylberstein, Legal counsel at UEFA
10:30 - 11:30

Round-table 1

What is the UEFA Club Financial Control Body’s (CFCB) decisional practice?
Moderator: Emin Ozkurt, Lawyer, Member of the Istanbul Bar
Mr. Goksel Gumusdag, President of the Turkish Clubs Union
Mark Hovell, Lawyer, Member of the Manchester Bar
Alexis Schoeb, Layer, Member of the Geneva Bar
11:30- 12:30

Round-table 2

To what extent are UEFA FFP rules compatible with EU legislation?
Moderator: Alexandre Durand, Co-founder of Football Legal
Speakers :
Juan de Dios Crespo, Lawyer, Member of the Valencia Bar
Sven Demeulemeester, Lawyer, Member of the Brussels Bar
Jean-Michel Marmayou, Lecturer at Law at Aix-Marseille University, Co-director of the Marseille Law Sport Center
12:30 - 13:00
Interactive Workshop
13:00 - 14:30
> License system and financial control system in other confederations
Guest speaker
James Kitching, Chief of Disciplinary services of Asian Football Confederation
14:30 - 15:00
The license system in Asia
and in Africa
James Kitching, Chief of Disciplinary services of Asian Football Confederation
15:00- 16:00


What kind of financial control system could be set up instead of a financial fair play?
Moderator: Rodrigo Ortega Sanchez, Lawyer, Member of the Buenos Aires Bar
Speakers :
Ariel Reck, Lawyer, Member of the Buenos Aires Bar
Pedro Amaral, Lawyer, Member of the Rio de Janeiro Bar
Horacio Gonzalez Mullin, Lawyer, Member of the Montevideo Bar
Nasr Azzam, Lawyer, Member of the Cairo Bar
16:00 - 17:00
General Assembly of AIAF (for members only)
Intended audience:
AIAF Members, counsels and lawyers, representatives of associations or federations, Clubs’ officials, Players’ Agents and Sport State Authorities and companies in the “sport business”, sport channels representatives, media Specialists.
The conference will take place at Hasan Doğan National Teams Camp and Education Facilities – Riva / aBeykoz / Istanbul – Turkey